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The Europe Rally Committee is an association of campers from European countries. These campers are all members of an F.I.C.C. -connected camping club. Since 1961, every year, one of the camping clubs in the participating countries organizes – at Whitsun, a Europe Rally. But what in fact is a Europe Rally? This website is made with the intention of informing you and to keep you informed about the Europa Rally, which is organized every year, somewhere in Europe. All campers who have a valid CCI (Camping Card International) can participate. If you want information about the purpose and organization; activities, clubs and the people who represent their country in the Europe Rally Committee, click on: Info

Would you like to know where and when Europe Rallies are planned? Click: Rallies and find the announcements, the places, the organizers and the link to the relevant Rally website. Under the tab: Statistics you’ll find listings of the number of units that participated in the Europe Rally in recent years, the oldest and the youngest participant and the club which has earned the “Cup of the President”. And of course we try to give you a visual impression of the fun, the friendship between the campers and the special places in the Gallery where Europe Rallies took place since 1961.

Are you curious about the origins and founders of the Europe Rally? Click on HISTORY and travel back in time. Furthermore you will find there a list of all Europe Rallies, which have been held so far from the beginning, and the number of campers that took part in it.